AR in the cereal world

The project was based on creating a cereal box and can world in which the user can see the cereal box and cans through AR medium and watch the cans and cereal box transform in front of their eyes. It was a fantastic experience given my first experiments with Unity3D and Vuforia but definitely helped me understand the power of these tools to create Augmented Reality applications.

The application is divided into two different scenes –

  1. CS491_Project01 – It describes the world in fantasy, be it royalty, the game of thrones,  star trek, Avengers, or something fun like Kungfu Panda. To run this scene, open the project CS491_Project01 in Unity3D. If testing in the classroom please make sure that the selected webcam is Logitech.Using this application you can see and visualize –
    a. Cerealbox 2 as Game of Thrones  – Put cereal box 2 in front of the camera and Visualize royalty, visualize dragons, visualize fire, Valar morghulis. The most royal of all the flakes, it’s the royal flakes. The stark flag bearer stands as the mascot in front of the castle and will protect the throne from all the home. Eat the cereal to be healthy, stronger and wiser.

    The models used in the scene are –
    -> Dragon –


    -> Fire vases – 
    -> flowers –

    -> throne –
    -> stark mascot –
    -> Wheel – Created by self in Maya
    -> Sound used – Light of the seven (

    b. Drink can3 as space, the final frontier – drink 3 has been visualized as space and everything that it holds in it infinite boundness, be it sun, moon, Saturn, asteroids and the mascot as an astronaut. The details of the models can be seen in –

    The models used are –
    -> Sun –

    -> Moon –

    -> Satellite –

    -> Saturn –

    -> UFO –

    -> Astronaut –

    -> Asteroid – Created in Maya

    -> Sound Used – Star trek 2009 theme song (

    c. Placemat 1 as Lord of the rings breakfast – Use placemat 1 as the breakfast scene visualization. What if the breakfast of your favorite cereals, milk, oranges, donuts, the juice is accompanied by Gandalf himself and thou shall not pass without breakfast? You get this morning breakfast treat. The scene can be seen as –



    The models used here are –
    ->  Cereal box and cereal –

    -> Orange –

    -> Smiley ball –

    -> Milk –


    -> Orange juice –

    -> Gandalf –

    -> Donut – Made in Maya

    d. Drink can 1 as KungFu panda iced tea – drink can 1 has been used to visualize as iced tea. The can has Po himself to entice you to drink the yum iced tea. The scene around consists of lamp, momo, chopstick and bowl, bamboo cup to hold your tea, sword for the ninja to protect you. The scenes can be seen as –



    Models used are –
    -> Po –

    -> Fan –

    -> Dumplings  – 

    -> Chopstick and bowl –

    -> Sword –

    -> Bamboo cup – Self made in Maya

    e. Grad student cereal box – The cereal box in the marvel universe. The models are –
    -> Captain America shield
    -> Ironman mask
    -> Infinity Gauntlet
    -> Deadpool mask
    -> Thor’s hammer
    -> Captain america as Mascot
    -> Infinity stones – Made in Maya


    Sound – Avengers avengers theme –

    f. Magazine – Space magazine has been visualised here.  Use magazine 1 to see the magazine and press cubes to flip through pages.

    The youtube link to the project is at


The link to project is

I think that this is a very good use of Augmented reality and can certainly help to make future more interesting and informative. This kind of technology will help breakfast more enjoyable as well as entertaining.